Sunday, September 16, 2012
2 Year "Gotcha Day"
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Orbie at The Global Leadership Summit
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Letter from a Broken Heart
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Raw Courage
Friday, July 13, 2012
Under My Skin
Saturday, July 7, 2012
6 days with 68 orphans
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Carl's Bend in the Road
Friday, April 27, 2012
A Tiny Treasure
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Amazing Article from Jedd Medefind
God's Heart for the Orphan Is His Heart for You |
The gods that the ancient world worshipped were concerned with great people — the mighty and cunning, the swift and the gorgeous. The rest of humanity served as a backdrop — bit players, foils, inconsequential fodder for the grand plans of kings, generals, and deities. Not so with the God of the Bible. We see God’s strange interest in the people on the margins carved upon every page of Scripture. It was evident in Yahweh’s selection of a nation of slaves to be his special people. It echoed in his choice of sheep-tenders to be the first to hear news of the Incarnation. But perhaps nowhere do we see this curious reality more clearly than in God’s passion for the orphan. We may miss how odd it actually is because we live in a culture that is deeply shaped by Christian assumptions. Though it is often violated, to care for the weak and vulnerable remains a Western virtue. This generally wasn’t the case in the cultures that surrounded Jewish and early Christian communities. Like modern Social Darwinists, ancient societies typically saw weakness as unworthiness to live. As the Roman philosopher Seneca described Roman culture during Jesus’ time, “We drown children who at birth are weakly and abnormal.” Consider then the marvel of a God who not only tolerates the feeble and lowly, but places special premium on defending and caring for them. What a contrast. We see God, the most potent and self-sufficient Power imaginable, continually expressing profound concern for the least potent and self-sufficient — the orphan in distress. The Law describes, “He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow ...” (Deuteronomy 10:18 NIV). The Prophets echo the same truth: “For in you the fatherless find compassion” (Hosea 14:3b). And, again, in the psalms, “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families ...” (Psalm 68:5-6). As we grasp this outlandish, beautiful reality, we encounter the truth of God’s father heart. It pulses not only for the orphan, but for each of us as well. He pursued us when we were destitute and alone. He adopted us as his children. He invites us to call him “Abba” and to live as his daughters and sons. Of course, we must not miss the fact that God calls his people to do the same. We are to live out “pure and faultless religion” by caring for the orphan and widow in their distress (James 1:27). As we do this, we reveal God’s heart to the world. Whether by adoption or foster care or mentoring or supporting the local Church in care for orphans around the globe, we display that astonishing reality that the Great One cares passionately for the least. And in the process, we experience God’s heart more deeply ourselves as well — a peculiar, marvelous love for the orphan. A peculiar, marvelous love for us. Talk About It
Jedd Medefind is the president of the Christian Alliance for Orphans. This May, Saddleback Church will host Summit VIII to inspire and equip Christians to effectively live out God’s love for the orphan through adoption, foster care, and global initiatives. Learn more about Summit at |
Monday, February 27, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012
Nobody's Coming
The last thing we want is for this blog to be all about our family and our little adopted orphan. But the things coming out of Collins' mouth these days are profound, and are a driving force as we put one foot in front of the other to accomplish the mission of Orbie for Orphans.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
A Good Pain
Friday, January 13, 2012
Thee Priority
We adopted Collins 15 months ago. One of our consistent issues is the need for her to listen to me. Her teacher needs this from her at school. I need this from her at home. Coming out of a life in an orphanage, she is fascinated by EVERYTHING. She is easily distracted and can tune me out in no time flat! But as her parent, listening to me is non-negotiable. She can't run into the street, she has to brush her teeth everyday and stay with me in public places. She has to stay in a place of dependent on me. That is what listening to Jesus attitude of dependence. Those who know they can't make it without Him spend time with Him. Those who trust Him have no option but to spend time with Him. And those who love Him do what He tells them to do. Collins came home from school and told me, "Teacher said I have to listen and obey." That about sums it up for all of us....