Friday, September 17, 2010

"Gotcha Day"

Thursday, Sept. 16, 2010 at 8:34pm
Oh me, oh my!! What a day and what a girl! We met Collins yesterday at 2:30. When we got to the government building our agency guide, Grace, told us that the orphanage caregiver who brought Collins said that she was so excited and she was telling everybody that she was getting a mommy and a daddy. But when she walked out to us she was scared to death. She stood stiff as a board, clinging to her caregiver's hand and clutching her pink backpack that had all her earthly belongings in it. She had brought food and that seemed to comfort her while we began doing paperwork. She liked the doll we brought her the best. After awhile, the caregiver left and you could tell she was really nervous. But she tried to be brave and kept a stiff upper lip. She held my hand while we walked to the van, but once those van doors shut and we started moving, the tears began to fall. She was sobbing. I told Carl to start singing (he has a soothing voice), but he was crying right along with her. So then I started crying. Once we got it together we both started singing "I Cast All My Cares." Once we got to the hotel she marched right in and seemed amazed. Coming from an orphanage to a beautiful hotel with a waterfall and fish in the lobby was really something! We got to the room and she and Conner started playing ball. She came to life! Giggling, jumping up and down and grinning from ear to ear. She was fascinated by everything: our camera, the television, the toilet, the cell phone and computer. We think she is scary smart! She worked a 24-piece Dora puzzle that came in a box. She was determined to get it right and wouldn't quite until she finished it. She ran from thing to thing, so fascinated by lotions and the art of "tooth brushing." She watched me closely and did exactly what I did. She had two more meltdowns, once when Grace left and once when walked outside of the hotel to eat. A wonderful shop owner rescued us. She had a kitten and that darned cat helped to calm her down and distract her. At bedtime, she refused to take her Barbie dress and pink shoes off. I guess those are the only things she has that are familiar to her, that and her pink backpack. So she fell asleep in bed with us, fully clothed, watching a Dora cartoon. We are speechless. To think that this beautiful, energetic orphan is now our very own child is beyond description. Gotta run to do more government meetings. Will blog again later today.


  1. I can't wait to hear more! She sounds amazing!! Kate did the same thing with her clothes and back pack. Feel asleep totally clothed. It wasn't until the end of day 2 that she would change her clothes. Sigh. Sad and sweet all at one time.

    Oh and we want pictures!! :)

  2. Jill, I just found your blog from a comment Natalie Green left on your FB page. I am thrilled beyond belief for you. My eyes are full of tears thinking about this day and this darling daughter that you now have. Whenever you said that she watched everything you did, I just thought about how neat this has to be for the both of you - for you to have a daughter and for her to have a mommy!! You are such an amazing woman and she is so blessed to have someone like you to follow after in life. Thank you for sharing your life on here and thank you you for following Him even when it didn't make sense!! We love you! Adrienne Exum P.S. I can't believe how big Conner is!!!

  3. We are so very happy for you!!!! Your "Gotcha Day" sounds very much like MollyClaires "Gotcha Day". She was a very happy girl until it was time to get ready for bed...she did not want to change out of the clothes she arrived in either. To your is all they had!!! Continuing to lift you all up in prayer! Can't wait to see pictures!!!

  4. "The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

    Your post just made me think of this verse. God quiets us with his love and sings over us - how beautiful that God is already using singing to demonstrate a father's love! You are in our prayers - we cannot WAIT to meet Collins. Linsey asks about her every day wondering when she can play with her new friend from China!
